
Tuesday 29 November 2011

Irish Archaeological Research Magazine - Free Digital edition

New Free Archaeology Magazine

The First issue of Irish Archaeological Research Magazine  has arrived! The magazine is totally free and can be downloaded from here .

The magazine features some great articles about the history, archaeology and heritage of Ireland so if you have an interest in any of these subjects or you know someone who might be why not have a look.

There will be flash and html 5 versions of the magazine being released early next month for a more interactive experience.

Contents Include :

*Request for articles 1
*Introduction to IAR 2
*So who are Irish Archaeological Research? 3
*IAR’s Night at the Museum 5
*Living History at Aughnaure Castle 7
*Past Performance: Agendas Ifor experimental Archaeology 13
*Bone of Contention: The Raystown ‘idol’ 15
*Beyond the Summit: Remote Sensing 17
*A Vernacular Apocalypse Now 25
*Them Bones… Them Bones need….Examining 32
*Swordplay in the 20th Century 35
*The Cleaning of a Roman coin using electrolysis 39
*Mystery surrounding strange stone unearthed on Cave Hill, Belfast 42

The magazine is looking for your help; the IAR Digital Magazine is written by volunteers, people just like you. They are looking for news items and articles about archaeology, history, heritage and culture. Is there a subject here that interests you? You do not have to be an expert; just have a good working knowledge of your subject and a passion to inform the wider world about it. Are you involved with a local historical society or heritage network and want to spread the word about your organisation? If yes why not write a small article and send it in to us.
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Wednesday 23 November 2011

Reconstructing late sixth century British chronology

Reconstructing late sixth century British Pseudo-historical chronology - 
The 12 year hiatus.
In this essay I seek to reconstruct the pseudo-historical chronology of the second half of sixth century northern Britain, from the time of Ida onwards. As most of the material is probably pure pseudo-history as Simms-Williams has pointed out in The settlements of England in Bede and the Chronice,  it would seem like a worthless task but it may yet clear up some of the problems inherent in it. The difficulties in the chronology are apparent in the various sources that are used to construct it. Our current understanding of the chronology is based on the work of Bede in the early eighth century and the Historia Brittonum in the ninth. The tenth century Anglo Saxon Chronicles then use a combination of both of these to construct its own chronology. It used the dating of the start of Aethelfriths reign in 592 as given by Bede, then counted back the regnal years as given in the HB to arrive at a date for when Ida arrived in 547. This date has then been enshrined in our history as the turning point in Britain for it was from this time on that Saxon ascendency dominated and the power of the Britons was pushed back to the west lands and beyond. The background to this is mainly the early Northumbrian settlement in the late 6thC which prompted the wars against the Britons - Dutigern, Urien, Gwallog etc. The parts of Northumbria we are most concerned with are Deira and Bernicia.
Britain peoples circa 600

For some brief background details of the accepted chronology see here:

HB   = Historia Brittonum, 
ASC = Anglo Saxon Chronicle. 
AC   = Annales Cambriae  (Welsh Annals)

Beda Venerabilis
The first task would be to prove the chronology is wrong. D.P. Kirby in his book The Earliest English Kings suggests that Aelle mentioned in the HB as dying in 588 (in current chronology, no dates given in HB) properly belongs to the late sixth century. I agree with this re-dating of Aelle and go further in rearranging the whole chronology of the late sixth century following Ida. In support of Kirby’s chronology this line from Bede's Chronica Maiora (circa 725) appears to suggest that Aelle and Aethelfrith were contemporaries ruling Northumbria, most likely Bernicia and Deira. It occurs just after the mention of Augustine coming to Britain in 596 and Ethelbert's conversion.

"porro gentes anglorum ab aquilone humbri fluminis sub regibus aelle et aedilfrido sitae necdum verbum vitae audierant."

"far away (further?), the nation of the Angles of the North Humbrian river under the leadership of Aelle and Aethelfrith have not yet heard the word of God? (Vitae? - life)"


Kirby places the end of Aelle's reign to about 599 (myself at 600) which could work with Bede's mention here of him just after Augustine's arrival and Ethelbert's conversion. This means then that Aelle could not possibly have died in 588. So we now know the Chronology is wrong. The difference is 11/12 years, which I hope to show is an error of Bede making Aethelfrith'­s reign last 24 years instead of 12, caused because Aethelfrith is said to have ruled both Bernicia for 12 years and then Deira for another 12 years.

Therefore Aelle appears to have been the King of Deira immediately before Aethelfrith, so until around 600. What seems to have happened is that on Aelle's death in 600 Aethelfrith, a Bernician noble, became regent of Deira due to the young age of Edwin (son of Aelle) and by his marriage to Aelle's daughter. He then moved against Bernicia on the death of their king Hussa in 603 whose son Hering went to the Dal Riatans of Aedan Mac Gabran to obtain the help. Aedan sent an army with Hering. To no avail though, Hering's/Aedan'­s army was defeated at Degsastan and Aethelfrith became ruler of both Bernicia and officially Deira in 604 by expelling Edwin now 18. So now we know the accepted chronology is wrong let’s look at it and compare it to a revised one. Starting with the accepted Chronology..­.

Main Players:
Aethelfrith, King of Bernicia,
Aelle, King of Deira,
Aethelbert - King of Kent,
Freothwulf and Hussa kings of Bernicia,
Ida - first king of Bernicia.

So Bede tells us in the last paragraph of his work :

"AT this time, Ethelfrid, a most worthy king, and ambitious of glory, governed the kingdom of the Northumbrians, and ravaged the Britons more than all the great men of the English, insomuch that he might be compared to Saul, once king of the Israelites, excepting only this, that he was ignorant of the true religion. For he conquered more territories from the Britons, either making them tributary, or driving the inhabitants clean out, and planting English in their places, than any other king or tribune. To him might justly be applied the saying of the patriarch blessing his son in the person of Saul, "Benjamin shall ravin as a wolf; in the morning he shall devour the prey, and at night he shall divide the spoil." Hereupon, Ædan, king of the Scots that inhabit Britain, being concerned at his success, came against him with an immense and mighty army; but was beaten by an inferior force, and put to flight; for almost all his army was slain at a famous place, called Degsastan, that is, Degsastone. In which battle also Theodbaid, brother to Ethelfrid, was killed, with almost all the forces he commanded. This war Ethelfrid put an end to in the year 603 after the incarnation of our Lord, the eleventh of his own reign, which lasted twenty-four years, and the first year of the reign of Phocas, who the governed the Roman empire. From that time, no king the Scots durst come into Britain to make war on the English to this day"

So Aethelfrith'­s reign is said by Bede to start 11 years before the battle of Degsastan in 603. This makes a date of 592 for the start of his reign. Now our common chronology of this period then merely counts back using the regnal years of kings given in the HB to arrive at the date for Ida. So it looks like this from Ida,:

Ida, the son of Eoppa, possessed countries on the left-hand side of Britain, i.e. of the Humbrian sea, and reigned twelve years, and united Dynguayth Guarth-Berneich

Then Dutigirn at that time fought bravely against the nation of the Angles. At that time, Talhaiarn Cataguen was famed for poetry, and Neirin, and Taliesin and Bluchbard, and Cian, who is called Guenith Guaut, were all famous at the same time in British poetry

The great king, Mailcun reigned among the Britons, i.e. in the district of Guenedota, because his great-great-­grandfather, Cunedda, with his twelve sons, had come before from the left-hand part, i.e. from the country which is called Manau Gustodin, one hundred and forty-six years before Mailcun reigned, and expelled the Scots with much slaughter from those countries, and they never returned again to inhabit them

Adda, son of Ida, reigned eight years

Ethelric, son of Adda, reigned four years

Theodoric, son of Ida, reigned seven years

Freothwulf reigned six years. In whose time the kingdom of Kent, by the
mission of Gregory(596 Augustine), received baptism. (so should really be
dated to 590's)

Hussa reigned seven years. Against him fought four kings, Urien, and Ryderthen, and Gualllauc, and Morcant. Theodoric fought bravely, together with his sons, against that Urien. But at that time sometimes the enemy and sometimes our countrymen were defeated,
and he shut them up three days and three nights in the island of Metcaut; and whilst he (Urien) was on an expedition he was murdered, at the instance of Morcant, out of envy, because he possessed so much superiority over all the kings in military science.

Eadfered Flesaurs (Aethelfrith) reigned twelve years in Bernicia, and twelve others in Deira and gave to his wife Bebba, the town of Dynguoaroy, which from her is called Bebbanburg

So this dating of Ida, also reflected in the ASC, can be seen to derive from the HB regnal years. But they take no account of the problem of Freowulf during the arrival of Augustine. So something is wrong here. The HB states that Freowulf was reigning when Augustine arrived in 596 and that he reigned before Hussa who is commonly dated to the 580's! These two kings appear to be the crux of the matter. They do not appear to be part of Ida's line and by 592 Aethelfrith is supposed to have ousted them. The HB says that Freothwulf reigned 6 years and Hussa 7 years.

If we read this as the HB intended ,it places both Freowulf and Hussa in the 590's at a time when Bede says that Aethelfrith was already in power by 592. Something's not correct here. Hussa's son Hering is said to have fought at the battle of Degsastan in the ASC:

"A.D. 603. This year Aedan, king of the Scots, fought with the Dalreathians, and with Ethelfrith, king of the Northumbrians, at Theakstone; where he lost almost all his army. Theobald also, brother of Ethelfrith, with his whole armament, was slain. None of the Scottish kings durst afterwards bring an army against this nation. Hering, the son of Hussa, led the army thither."

It looks like Hering led an army supported by Aedan's Dal Riatans. If so it may be that the sons of Hussa had appealed to the Dal Riadan court for help and were seeking to establish their rule with Aedans help. This suggests that the Dal Riatans may have had some role in supporting the reigns of Freothwulf and Hussa, who were not of the line of Ida, to which Aethelfrith belonged.

If Freowulf was around when Augustine arrived in 596 then we could say that 596 was his last year and Hussa's began in 596 which would make his seven years arrive at 603. What is the answer to this? Can we trust Bede on this or have the two intermediate kings Freowulf and Hussa been erased from Bede's chronology and the reign of Aethelfrith extended? Or were the regnums of Freo and Hussa counted even though they may have been in exile? However, Aethelfriths battle in 603 against Aedan may have been the first actual year of his reign in Bernicia. The HB though following Bede does give him a 24 year reign. I am inclined to think that Bede has erased the two intermediate
kings and extended the reign of Aethelfrith by design. Alternatively were Freo and Hussa sub kings of Aethelfrith? Seems unlikely.

If Freothwulf and Hussa are moved to the 590's (with Aelle) then much of the HB's chronology would make sense. Urien etc would be placed in the 590's where they belong, fighting Hussa. Theoderic would also be dated much later, enabling him to fight Urien earlier on before Hussa. Ethelric, Aethelfriths father would also move closer to a better time and Adda would then be able to fight Gorgi and Peredur (d.circa 580 AC) of Ebrauc (who in the common chronology can't because of a 12 year difference see Triads Ynys Prydein - Eda Glinmawr). See Michelle Zieglers blog post here that mentions this problem. This would also solve the problem of Gorgi and Peredur fighting at the battle of
Arderydd in 573

The Chronology from Ida in the HB would then look like this, placing him slightly later than traditionally given (a difference of 12 years from 547 to 559) :

Ida, the son of Eoppa, possessed countries on the left-hand side of Britain, i.e. of the Humbrian sea, and reigned twelve years, and united Dynguayth Guarth-Berneich

Then Dutigirn at that time fought bravely against the nation of the Angles. At that time, Talhaiarn Cataguen was famed for poetry, and Neirin, and Taliesin and Bluchbard, and Cian, who is called Guenith Guaut, were all famous at the same time in British poetry.

The great king, Mailcun reigned among the Britons, i.e. in the district of Guenedota, because his great-great-­grandfather, Cunedda, with his twelve sons, had come before from the left-hand part, i.e. from the country which is called Manau Gustodin, one hundred and forty-six years (so 413-425 very plausible as Constantine had taken the last of Britain's Legions to Gaul) before Mailcun reigned, and expelled the Scots with much slaughter from those countries, and they never returned again to inhabit them.

Adda, son of Ida, reigned eight years

Ethelric, son of Adda, reigned four years. (father of Aethelfrith)

Theodoric, son of Ida, reigned seven years

Freothwulf reigned six years. In whose time the kingdom of Kent, by
the mission of Gregory(596 Augustine), received baptism.

Hussa reigned seven years. Against him fought four kings, Urien, and Ryderthen, and Gualllauc, and Morcant.
Theodoric fought bravely (circa 589/590), together with his sons, against that Urien. But at that time sometimes the enemy and sometimes our countrymen were defeated, and he shut them up three days and three nights in the island of Metcaut; and whilst he (Urien) was on an expedition he was murdered, at the instance of Morcant, out of envy, because he possessed so much superiority over all the kings in military science.

603 (592 Bede)
Eadfered Flesaurs (Aethelfrith) reigned twelve years in Bernicia, and twelve others in Deira and gave to his wife Bebba, the town of Dynguoaroy, which from her is called Bebbanburg

Now after this battle in 603 is usually said to be when Aethelfrith became leader of Deira as well, in 604 and he reigned for another 12 years. It seems to me that Aethelfrith became ruler of both in 603/4 and then reigned only for 12 years not 24. He seems to have become friendly with the Dal Riatans after this though as on his own defeat in 616 his sons, Aenfrith, Oswald and Oswiu fled there for safety and exile from the returning Edwin.

We can turn now to the ASC.
A.D. 552. This year Cynric fought with the Britons on the spot that is called Sarum, and put them to flight. Cerdic was the father of Cynric, Cerdic was the son of Elesa, Elesa of Esla, Esla of Gewis, Gewis of Wye, Wye of Frewin, Frewin of Frithgar, Frithgar of Brand, Brand of Balday, Balday of Woden. _In this year Ethelbert, the son of Ermenric, was born_, who on the two and thirtieth year of his reign received the rite of baptism, the first of all the kings in Britain.

Ethelbert converted to Christianity in 596 as noted before. 32 years before this would equal his reign starting in 564 but that's too long a reign of about 53 years. The answer is that it is from his year of birth, not reign that was meant. A difference again of 12 years.

So AD 552 in the ASC is actually AD 564/5. Similarly as above Ida in 547 is actually 559/60.

So the ASC chronicle should look like this for these dates (I've removed the ancestry data) 

This year Ida began his reign; from whom first arose the royal kindred of the Northumbrians. Ida was the son of Eoppa. Ida reigned twelve years. He built Bamburgh-Castle, which was first surrounded with a hedge, and afterwards with a wall.

This year Columba the presbyter came from the Scots among the Britons, to instruct the Picts, and he built a monastery in the island of Hii. (563 according to Irish Annals but circa 565 is fine) And Columba, the mass-priest, came to the Picts, and converted them to the belief of Christ. They are the dwellers by the northern moors. And their king gave him the island of Hii, consisting of five hides, as they say, where Columba built a monastery. There he was abbot two and thirty winters; and there he died, when he was seventy-seven years old. The place his successors yet have. The Southern Picts were long before baptized by Bishop Ninnia, who was taught at Rome. His church or monastery is at Hwiterne (Whitehorn), hallowed in the name of St. Martin, where he resteth with many holy men. Now, therefore, shall there be ever in Hii an abbot, and no bishop; and to him shall be subject all the bishops of the Scots; because Columba was an abbot -- not bishop. (this was second part of 572(563) entry but moved from that date to it's correct place. Two events put in wrong chronological time by ASC).

This year Cynric fought with the Britons on the spot that is called Sarum, and put them to flight. Cerdic was the father of Cynric, Cerdic was the son of Elesa. In this year Ethelbert, the son of Ermenric, was born, who on the two and thirtieth year of his reign received the rite of baptism, the first of all the kings in Britain. (now agrees with Ethelberts 32nd year being 596, so it is not the 32nd year of his reign but from the year of his birth.)

This year Cynric and Ceawlin fought with the Britons at Beranbury

This year Ceawlin undertook the government of the West-Saxons; and Ella, on the death of Ida (now agrees with the revised HB chronology, Ida dying in 571), that of the Northumbrians; each of whom reigned thirty winters (Ella = 28 years 572-600). Ella was the son of Iff.
This year Ethelbert came to the kingdom of the Cantuarians, and held it fifty-three winters (625 an error). In his days the holy Pope Gregory sent us baptism. That was in the two and thirtieth year of his reign (596. Again the 32nd year of reign must be wrong, and birth must be meant)

Problem above is that it mentions one Ella as ruling in Northumbria from 572, however the HB says that Adda was in power at this time for 8 years. The solution is that Ella/Aelle was king of Deira and Adda of Bernicia.

This year Ceawlin, and Cutha the brother of Ceawlin, fought with Ethelbert, and pursued him into Kent. And they slew two aldermen at Wimbledon, Oslake and Cnebba

This year Cuthulf fought with the Britons at Bedford, and took four towns, Lenbury, Aylesbury, Benson, and Ensham. And this same year he died.

This year Mauricius succeeded to the empire of the Romans. (dating now reconciled to correctness by mention of Mauritius but entry below was originally before this so now moved to after once redated)

This year Cuthwin and Ceawlin fought with the Britons, and slew three kings, Commail, and Condida, and Farinmail, on the spot that is called Derham, and took from them three cities, Gloucester, Cirencester, and Bath. (in effect I have redated the fall of these cities from 577 to 584)

(adjusted by one year from 584) This year Ceawlin and Cutha fought with the Britons on the spot that is called Fretherne. There Cutha was slain. And Ceawlin took many towns, as well as immense booty and wealth. He then retreated to his own people

This year there was a great slaughter of Britons at Wanborough; Ceawlin was driven from his kingdom, and Ceolric reigned six years

This year Gregory succeeded to the papacy at Rome

This year died Ceawlin, and Cwichelm, and Cryda; and Ethelfrith succeeded to the kingdom of the Northumbrians. He was the son of Ethelric; Ethelric of Ida. (should be 603 for Aethelfrith)

year Pope Gregory sent Augustine to Britain with very many monks, to preach the word of God to the English people

(moved from 588) This year died King Ella; and Ethelric (Aethelfrit­h) reigned after him five (12 years) years. (Ethelric of earlier reigned 4 years)

This year Pope Gregory sent the pall to Archbishop Augustine in Britain, with very many learned doctors to assist him; and Bishop Paulinus converted Edwin, king of the Northumbrians, to baptism

This year Aeden, king of the Scots, fought with the Dalreathians, and with Ethelfrith, king of the Northumbrians, at Theakstone; where he lost almost all his army. Theobald also, brother of Ethelfrith, with his whole armament, was slain. None of the Scottish kings durst afterwards bring an army against this nation. Hering, the son of Hussa, led the army thither.

The Welsh Annales Cambrae don’t help an awful lot in deciding the chronology except for the entry of 580 concerning Gorgi and Peredur dying, which with the revised chronology above would now enable them to be available to fight Adda. In the old chronology this was not possible due to a 12 year difference. See here :
http://en.wikipedia­.org/wiki/­Adda_of_Bernicia .

So all the chronological problems are solved by correcting Bede's error of making Aethelfrith rule for 24 years instead of 12. Bede, writing 100+ years after the event must have assumed that as Aethelfrith was king of both Deira and Bernicia that these ran one after the other instead of together or he wilfully wrote out two other kings from history. This error was then perpetuated in the later HB and ASC.

Interestingly, re-dating this chronology reveals some startling correspondences. The mention of Maglocunus by Gildas has always been difficult when reconciled with the dating in the HB if the battle of Badon was in 516, as Maglocunus in the old chronology would exist/die in 547. In this new scheme he would exist in the timescale of 559-571. This would now agree with Gildas and with the battle of Badon in 516 (in the ASC) as 516+44 years (the age of Gildas when he wrote) would give us the year  560 when Maglocunus is said to be alive by Gildas. This would then also explain why Gildas is extolling the British tyrants to take arms against the new Saxon threat begun by Ida and his arrival in 559. That he did not publish his book until ten years later, so in 570 would explain perhaps that these five kings were now dead. (Maglocunus, Aurelius Caninus, Constantine, Vortipor and Cuneglase) The five tyrants then may belong to the 560's-570's+. This is not to say that some of them did not start to rule before 560 and some may have died before the 570's. Gildas' unmentioned good king above Maglocunus then would have been Dutigern, who had fought against Ida's Angles. This would also solve the problem of why Gildas does not mention Arthur, who was of the old generation who had fought at Badon and was probably just a northern local war leader.

Of course, the records above state only that Ida began to reign in 559 not that he hadn't arrived earlier. So we can postulate him arriving a few years before in the 550's. In another blog I will look at the British Kings then existing in Britain of this time in this new chronology. Perhaps it wasn't as dark an age as it seemed.

Defining the Dark Ages Part three: The Barbarian Conspiracy

Between 360 and 366 Britain appears to rebuild it’s defences and has five years of relative peace before the Scots and Picts once more band together in 366/7, this time though in a more organized and planned way that may have also involved other Germanic peoples. This event is later called the `barbarian conspiracy’. 

Valentinian I
By this time Valentinian was Emperor of Rome since 364. Valentinian had received reports that a combined force of Picts, Attacotti and Scots had killed Nectaridus (comes maritimi tractus) and overcome the dux Fullofaudes in Britain. As a consequence, Britain was in a state of anarchy. Here Ammianus tells us :

“It will be sufficient here to mention that at that time the Picts, who were divided into two nations, the Dicalidones and the Vecturiones, and likewise the Attacotti, a very warlike people, and the Scots were all roving over different parts of the country and committing great ravages. While the Franks and the Saxons who are on the frontiers of the Gauls were ravaging their country wherever they could effect an entrance by sea or land, plundering and burning, and murdering all the prisoners they could take”

The Dicalidones are obviously the Caledonians. Here we also have mention of the Saxons and Franks raiding the coasts of Gaul and Britain. That these two nations appear closely allied at this time becomes apparent when we examine the early settlements in Britain that show this Frankish influence in the archaeology of Kent.

Valentinian, alarmed by these reports, set out for Britain, sending Severus (comes domesticorum) ahead of him to investigate. Severus was not able to correct the situation and returned to the continent, meeting Valentinian at Amiens. Valentinian then sent Jovinus to Britain and promoted Severus to magister peditum. Jovinus though could not remedy the situation in Britain either so Theodosius (the elder) was sent. 
The True Picture of One Pict
In 368 Theodosius arrived with the Batavi, Heruli, Jovii and Victores legions, landing at Richborough, and proceeded to London. His initial expeditions restored order to southern Britain. Later he rallied the remaining troops which had originally been stationed in Britain. It was apparent that the units had lost their cohesiveness when Nectaridius and Fullofaudes had been defeated. At this time, Theodosius sent for Civilis to be installed as the new vicarius of the diocese, and Dulcitius, an additional general. Dulcitius was Dux Britanniarum in charge of the frontier troops called Litanei so was most likely based in York. Civilis would most likely have administered from London. Ammianus tells us directly of Theodosius’ campaign in Britain :

But Theodosius, a general of very famous reputation, departed in high spirits from Augusta, which the ancients used to call Londinium, with an army which he had collected with great energy and skill; bringing a mighty aid to the embarrassed and disturbed fortunes of the Britons. His plan was to seek everywhere favourable situations for laying ambuscades for the barbarians; and to impose no duties on his troops of the performance of which he did not himself cheerfully set the example.
And in this way, while he performed the duties of a gallant soldier, and showed at the same time the prudence of an illustrious general, he routed and vanquished the various tribes in whom their past security had engendered an insolence which led them to attack the Roman territories: and he entirely restored the cities and the fortresses which through the manifold disasters of the time had been injured or destroyed, though they had been originally founded to secure the tranquillity of the country.”

In about 369 Dulcitius had to deal with the minor stirrings of another rebellion. This one had started at the instigation of one Valentinus, a brother in law of Maximinus who would later become Praetorian Prefect of Gaul. Valentinus had been exiled to Britain because of some unknown crime he had committed in Rome. Only the power of the evil Maximinus had saved him. Ammianus again directly tells us of Valentinus :

“A certain man named Valentine, in Valeria of Pannonia, a man of a proud spirit, the brother-in-law of Maximin, that wicked and cruel deputy, who afterwards became prefect, having been banished to Britain for some grave crime, and being a restless and mischievous beast, was eager for any kind of resolution or mischief, began to plot with great insolence against Theodosius, whom he looked upon as the only person with power to resist his wicked enterprise.
But while both openly and privately taking many precautions, as his pride and covetousness increased, he began to tamper with the exiles and the soldiers, promising them rewards sufficient to tempt them as far at least as the circumstances and his enterprise would permit.
But when the time for putting his attempt into execution drew near, the duke, who had received from some trustworthy quarter information of what was going on, being always a man inclined to a bold line of conduct, and resolutely bent on chastising crimes when detected, seized Valentine with a few of his accomplices who were most deeply implicated, and handed them over to the general Dulcitius to be put to death. But at the same time conjecturing the future, through that knowledge of the soldiers in which he surpassed other men, he forbade the institution of any examination into the conspiracy generally, lest if the fear of such an investigation should affect many, fresh troubles might revive in the province.”

These words of Ammianus tell us much more about Britain than meets the eye. We see that Britain is a common place for various exiles to be sent to. Valentinus is said to `tamper’ with the exiles. A better translation would probably be conspiring with them. How many exiles were in Britain? By this account quite a few. As exiles were not exactly the most pleasant of people it is no wonder Britain was a hot bed of rebellion. That Theodosius did not investigate the conspiracy further indicates he did not want the troubles caused by Paulas Catena re-enacted. Ammianus continues relating the work of Theodosius in Britain:

“After this he turned his attention to make many necessary amendments, feeling wholly free from any danger in such attempts, since it was plain that all his enterprises were attended by a propitious fortune. So he restored cities and fortresses, as we have already mentioned, and established stations and outposts on our frontiers; and he so completely recovered the province which had yielded subjection to the enemy, that through his agency it was again brought under the authority of its legitimate ruler, and from that time forth was called Valentia, by desire of the emperor, as a memorial of his success.
The Areans, a class of men instituted in former times, and of whom we have already made some mention in recording the acts of Constans, had now gradually fallen into bad practices, for which he removed them from their stations; in fact they had been undeniably convicted of yielding to the temptation of the great rewards which were given and promised to them, so as to have continually betrayed to the barbarians what was done among us. For their business was to traverse vast districts, and report to our generals the warlike movements of the neighbouring nations.
In this manner the affairs which I have already mentioned, and others like them, having been settled, he was summoned to the court, and leaving the provinces in a state of exultation, like another Furius Camillus or Papirius Cursor, he was celebrated everywhere for his numerous and important victories. He was accompanied by a large crowd of well-wishers to the coast, and crossing over with a fair wind, arrived at the emperor's camp, where he was received with joy and high praise, and appointed to succeed Valens Jovinus, who was commander of the cavalry.”

This part of Ammianus’ writings tell us of the mysterious frontier scouts or spies called Areans or Areani. As Ammianus makes clear, these spies had been bought off by the very barbarians (Picts or Scots) who they were supposed to be reporting on.  They also tell us that Theodosius had left Britain in a fit and secure state. Something must have occurred in the next few years to change all this as within 13 years another revolt had shaken Britain and Europe to its core. 

In 370 Valentinian continues to clean up northern Gaul and massacres one band of Saxon raiders who had stopped their plundering and agreed to go home and lend troops to Valentinian's armies. Unfortunately Valentinian double crossed them and ambushed the Saxons, murdering every last one. It was a lesson the Saxons never forgot as the Britons would eventually find out many years later.

Saint Ambrose
For about four to five years Britain was at relative peace again, but raiding must have re-started around 373/4 as at this time Valentinian sends three armies of Alamanni troops to Britain to reinforce the defences there. At the head of these armies are the kings Froamarius - given the title Tribune, Hortarius and Bitherides. The Irish HB tell us that at this time, ie when `Gratian and Aquitias’ were consuls of Rome, that the Saxons came to Britain in the time of Vortigern. The only time when these consuls were joint rulers was in 474 AD. This Alamannic event appears to be confused with the arrival of Saxons and Vortigern. It is made even more confusing when we find that Maximinus is now the Praetorian Prefect in Gaul, in charge of the administration of both Gaul and Britain, an `Overlord’ or `Super Lord’ in British terms and that in Milan his nemesis is one Sanctus Ambrosius. It remains only to say that these earlier traditions may have been mixed up with the later 5th Century Vortigern and Ambrosius in the writings of later historians.

These Alamannic armies would have arrived in Kent at Rutupae or Richborough as it was later known. They would then have moved onto the north to re-enforce Hadrians wall. Some may have stayed in Kent to man Saxon shore forts and some may have headed to Wales to help against the Irish Scoti. These reinforcements appear to have had the desired affect as another short period of peace comes to Britain between 370 and 383.

By 375 Gratian was now Emperor of Rome and had many troubles to contend with. The Alamanni had continued to cause problems in Gaul and in 378 a major battle ended with 30,000 Alamanni dead, if Roman records are to be believed. Gratian had caused resentment in Rome by insulting some pagan traditions. The intolerance between Christianity and paganism was starting to grow. Under Gratian and his Bishop Ambrose state subsidies that funded many pagan activities were removed. This angered many Roman senators.. 

In around 380 Magnus Maximus is made comes Britanniae, head of the armies in Britain. He then campaigned against the Picts and other tribes north of Hadrians wall. It is most likely that this is when Maximus must have subdued the Votadini once more and decided to move them to North Wales to counter the Irish Pictish threat. Or was it later when Constantine depleted the British Roman armies once more in 410 that the Votadini were sent to north Wales to reinforce the defences there?

Gratian again had to fight the Alammani in 383 and it was at this time that events in Britain once again led to the fall of a Roman emperor. Is it co-incidence that at the very time Gratian is fighting Alamannic armies in Gaul, Britain, recently reinforced with Alamannic armies, suddenly breaks out in revolt? This revolt is led by one Magnus Maximus, raised by his troops as emperor of the west. He then takes the armies from Britain, heads over to Gaul and within a short time kills Gratian and enlists the help of the grateful Alamanni in his attempts to seize power over the whole Roman empire. Maximus’s Magister Equitum Andragathius was a Goth. His  Praetorian Prefect was one Euodius. It is obvious from these events that the Alamannic troops posted to Britain in 374  had assumed some sort of influence, enough to raise Maximus to power to help relieve their brothers in Gaul. 

Next, Maximus and the last instalment before Britain becomes independent of Roman rule and enters the early medieval period otherwise known as the Dark Ages.

Images via Wikipedia Commons.