
Tuesday 29 November 2011

Irish Archaeological Research Magazine - Free Digital edition

New Free Archaeology Magazine

The First issue of Irish Archaeological Research Magazine  has arrived! The magazine is totally free and can be downloaded from here .

The magazine features some great articles about the history, archaeology and heritage of Ireland so if you have an interest in any of these subjects or you know someone who might be why not have a look.

There will be flash and html 5 versions of the magazine being released early next month for a more interactive experience.

Contents Include :

*Request for articles 1
*Introduction to IAR 2
*So who are Irish Archaeological Research? 3
*IAR’s Night at the Museum 5
*Living History at Aughnaure Castle 7
*Past Performance: Agendas Ifor experimental Archaeology 13
*Bone of Contention: The Raystown ‘idol’ 15
*Beyond the Summit: Remote Sensing 17
*A Vernacular Apocalypse Now 25
*Them Bones… Them Bones need….Examining 32
*Swordplay in the 20th Century 35
*The Cleaning of a Roman coin using electrolysis 39
*Mystery surrounding strange stone unearthed on Cave Hill, Belfast 42

The magazine is looking for your help; the IAR Digital Magazine is written by volunteers, people just like you. They are looking for news items and articles about archaeology, history, heritage and culture. Is there a subject here that interests you? You do not have to be an expert; just have a good working knowledge of your subject and a passion to inform the wider world about it. Are you involved with a local historical society or heritage network and want to spread the word about your organisation? If yes why not write a small article and send it in to us.
As the magazine is digital it can reach a large worldwide audience with more ease than a traditional papermagazine. Our website and facebook page receive over 9000 visits each month. The top 5 countries many of these visitors come from are UK, Ireland, USA, Italy and Australia. The size of the article depends on your subject, generally 200‐500 words and it can include as many images and illustrations as are needed to suit the article.

Submit your article to

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dane,

    Thanks very much for posting up the info about our magazine, we hope you liked it :) We have just released our second issue if you care to have a look.

    All the best
    Gavin Donaghy
